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Now that you have a clear picture of what the end result will look like, it is time for some backwards reasoning to create a Roadmap on how to get there. Because without a plan, you don’t know if you’re falling off track. Engage with people who have walked the paths before you and get advice on how to do it. They might be able to create a plan with you and/or recognize when you’re going the wrong direction.


Break up into small steps

How small should the steps be? That is totally up to you of course. It is however best to be as detailed as possible so you move towards your goal more efficiently. At the same time, it takes a lot of time to be this detailed. Personally I like to write down in such details to make it fun to read back on it later. For example, it is nice to read back that I ran 200km in one month, but not all the 7km runs I did every day. The 200km in one month milestone was enough to give me motivation and to strive towards the goal of running a marathon.

Regularly update Roadmap

It’s better to have a plan, than to have no plan. Along the way, anything can happen and the plan might change. It is then important to update the roadmap and continue striving towards your goal.


I’ve created a few examples. View the one that resembles your goal the closest and see how I would have created the plan.

  • Adventure: Sail around the world
  • Exercise: Run a marathon
  • Diet: Lose 10kg and stay at 80kg
  • Lifestyle: Stop smoking
  • Career: Start a business in online events
  • Study: Graduate from study of Psychology

Adventure: Sail around the world

Big Audacious adventure plans! Yet nobody sees how much work goes into the preparation sometimes. For example the building of a van, or the training for a good hike, or cycle trip, or sail trip… Only after all that preparation, it’s time for the execution and it’s always fun to look back at your story with pride.

Strive Journal helps you to stay focused on all kinds of goals and have one place to look at your achievements or the achievements of others. However, there are apps specialized for adventure. It might be useful to use them alongside of Strive Journal. Examples are:

Exercise: Run a marathon

What is your current level of fitness? Based on that you can make a plan. Not every training needs to be tracked in Strive Journal, but the ones that are more challenging are fun to write down, for others to support, and to look back at. See example below.

Strive Journal helps you to stay focused on all kinds of goals and have one place to look at your achievements or the achievements of others. However, there are apps specialized to help you increasing your exercise level. It might be useful to use them alongside of Strive Journal. Examples are:

  • For endurance sports: Strava (Android & iOS)
  • For every sport: there is specific app for each sport

Diet: Reach and stay at 80kg of body weight

Changing your diet to reach a healthy body weight involves a lot of small changes. There are many bad habits to get rid of, and many recipes to be learned. Sadly healthy food usually doesn’t come in a ready-made bag in the grocery store. With Strive Journal you can write down your learnings and show others what changes you had to make in order to achieve your goal. You may inspire others too.

Strive Journal helps you to stay focused on all kinds of goals and have one place to look at your achievements or the achievements of others. However, there are apps specialized to help you with your diet. It might be useful to use them alongside of Strive Journal. Examples are:

Lifestyle: Stop smoking

There are two ways to stop smoking; go from 100 to 0 instantly, or gradually build habits to eliminate the bad habit. The latter gives you time to replace it with a more healthy habit, like sports or cooking. This example is about the latter method. On average it takes 6 weeks in order to ingrain a new habit. To be on the save side, this example uses two months for each adjustment.

It doesn’t matter if you fall back in habits, at least every attempt you ingrain the new habit in your brain more and more. Mark the failed milestone as failed, and add it again to your Roadmap. Strive Journal helps you to stay focused on all kinds of goals and have one place to look at your achievements or the achievements of others. However, there are apps specialized to help you stop smoking. It might be useful to use them alongside of Strive Journal. Examples are:

Career: Promoto to Manager

Study: Graduate High School

You don’t know ahead of time which projects you will be working on during your study. But you can add milestones ass you go. For example:

  1. Get propedeuse
  2. Thesis about clickbait
  3. Internship as a writer
  4. Graduation assignment: Search Engine Optimization