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The less goals you have, the more likely it is that you will succeed. Write down everything you want to achieve and order them by priority. Now put a thick stripe through everything except the first four.

Why keep only four? The less you have, the more likely it is that you will succeed. Four goals is the sweet spot. Don’t worry about all the other priorities on the list, they will stay there and once you finish one of your top priorities, then you can take the 5th on the list.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

Jerzy Gregorek

This is a situation where the quote from Jerzy Gregorek perfectly applies. If you’re hard on yourself by being strict on this prioritizing list, the choices afterwards will be easier. But if you cheat on yourself and be less strict, then later you will notice that choices aren’t as easy and you catch yourself spending time on things you shouldn’t.