Define your goal
Before starting on your goal, it is good to think about if you really want to do it. This post will guide you through several questions. Don’t rush through the questions, instead ponder for a few minutes about them. Once you’ve answered all the questions, and you still think it’s worth the effort, then you are ready.
What do you want to Achieve?
Without a clear target, you’ll never hit your mark. That’s why it’s crucial to learn how to set goals that are clear, measurable and actionable. If your goal is to “lose weight,” how will you know when that goal is complete? When you’ve lost one pound? Five? Forty?
Good examples are:
- I want to weigh 80kg at the end of 2023
- I am going to weigh less than 85kg at the end of every month in 2023
- I am going to finish the New York marathon of 2023
Bad examples are:
- Lose weight (not measurable)
- Never smoke again (can’t be finished)
- Challenge myself more (not actionable)
Why do you want to achieve this?
How will your life, or the life of others, have changed if you have achieved this goal? This question connect your purpose with this goal. Sit back, relax, and take a few minutes to answer this question.
What or who inspired you?
Being reminded of what or who inspired you to start this goal will motivate you to keep striving during hard moments. Again, sit back, relax, and take a few minutes to answer this question.
What is holding you back?
What is stopping you? Are you stuck in your bad habits? Not having enough time? Why don’t you do less of what you rather not do. For me, it is that I am too shy to reach out to people I don’t know well. For you it might be that you have to say no to your friends. It helps to be aware of your weaknesses. Sit back again, relax, and take a few minutes to answer this question.
Are you sure you are ready for it?
By now you should have a clear picture of why you are going to do it, and what you have to do in order to achieve it. If you still want to do it, let’s continue to the next step