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Wheel of Life Exercise

Get insight in which areas in your life needs more attention and track results over the long term.

How it works

  • Go to the Wheel of Life Exercise
  • Optionally set how often you would like to receive a reminder
  • Slide the slider to how you feel about a certain area in your life
  • Click on save to save your entry
  • The results are visible in the graphs


How you rate your areas of life, can be very personal information. To prevent anyone from Strive Journal to be able to read what you wrote down, the entries are encrypted. The only thing that is saved in the database is this kind of unreadable text U2FsdGVkX18VtcXgXA/yKatzN4frKoDCUMUCgCSp/siCYtHYQvDAlNvtwRqTtxqd