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Daily Gratitude Exercise

Reminding the things you are grateful for trains your mind to focus on the positive instead of the negative. Receive a daily push notification to remind you to think of three things you are grateful for that day.

How it works

  • Go to the Daily Gratitude Exercise
  • Toggle the switch and set a time at which you would like to receive a push notification
  • You will now receive a push notification every day. If you click on the push notification, then you can enter three things you were grateful for that day.
  • By swiping, you can read previous entries to your gratitude journal


What you are grateful for that day, can be very personal. To prevent anyone from Strive Journal to be able to read what you wrote down, the entries are encrypted. The only thing that is saved in the database is this kind of unreadable text U2FsdGVkX18VtcXgXA/yKatzN4frKoDCUMUCgCSp/siCYtHYQvDAlNvtwRqTtxqd