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The Roadmap

Eligible: Admins and Achievers

Break your goal up in smaller steps (milestones). Start with the end goal in mind, then think backwards which steps need to be taken in order to get to the end.


How small should the steps be? That is totally up to you of course. It is however best to be as detailed as possible so you move towards your goal more efficiently. At the same time, it takes a lot of time to be this detailed. Personally I like to write down in such details to make it fun to read back on it later. For example, it is nice to read back that I ran 200km in one month, but not all the 7km runs I did every day. The 200km in one month milestone was enough to give me motivation and to strive towards the goal of running a marathon.

Complete a milestone

Failing is part of the journey, that's why it possible to choose "failed" when marking the milestone as completed. After completion, supporters will receive a notification and can then choose to give a support or not. To show your supporters (and your future self) that you actually did it, it is recommended to add a post to the story.

Add Subtasks

  • Click on the milestone to show more information about this milestone
  • Find the "Subtasks" section and add subtasks
  • Changes are saved automatically

Set Deadline

  • Click on the milestone to show more information about this milestone
  • Click on deadline and select a date
  • You will receive a notification when the deadline passed
  • Changes are saved automatically

Add Assignee

Let others know you are the one responsible to complete the milestone. Newly added supports for this milestone will be assigned to you.

  • Click on the milestone to show more information about this milestone
  • Click on "Assign me" to assign yourself. Click on your name once assigned to unassign yourself.
  • Changes are saved automatically

Remove a milestone

  • Click on the milestone to show more information about this milestone
  • Click on the bin icon

All supports will be removed too