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13 posts tagged with "journal"

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· 3 min read
Remco Simonides

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to get swept away by the demands of the external world. However, amidst the chaos, there lies an invaluable practice that serves as a compass for personal growth and fulfillment—self-reflection. In this blog, we explore the significance of turning our gaze inward, exploring not only why self-reflection is a cornerstone of self-awareness. As we embark on this journey of introspection, we unravel the layers of understanding that await, unlocking the door to a more purposeful and enriched existence.

· 7 min read
Remco Simonides

Everything journey towards achieving a goal involves learning new habits; No matter whether that is getting rid of bad habits, or obtaining good habits.

Success is a product of daily habits - not once-in-a-lifetime transformations

James Clear

Obtaining good habits and fighting of bad habits is an uphill battle. Humans want to conserve energy and thus prefer not to do a workout. Humans want to obtain food and thus choose to keep eating. Humans want to find love and reproduce, and thus watch porn. Humans want to connect and bond with others and thus use doom scroll on Instagram.

So we need to use our frontal cortex, the part of the brain that can override impulsive behavior, and build good habits instead. This blog describes some practical tips what you can do, to improve your control over your habits which then also increases your chance of reaching your long term goals.

· 4 min read
Remco Simonides

Once you’ve started your journey towards your goal, it is key to stay focused. While in the first week you’re still excited about your goal, this feeling gets less and less. While this feeling starts to lessen, other goals start to become more appealing… Yet if we keep to change goals, then we will never actually finish one. There are ways to combat the loss of excitement and to continue the pursuit.

· 4 min read
Remco Simonides

You know you want it, but getting started is not that easy… The further away the reward is, the less motivation we feel. Nevertheless, there are ways to trick your mind and experience more motivation and drive to start your journey towards that goal.

· 2 min read
Remco Simonides

Accountability in the context of achieving goals, as that is what this website is all about, is where someone else holds you accountable for reaching your goal. There is no clear answer whether sharing your goal is a good thing or not and it should definitely done in a strategic way.

Imagine the following situation; you want to loose weight but your partner is usually buys and prepares the food. Without telling your partner, you decreased your chances of success significantly. In this situation it might be beneficial to tell your partner, however it is not always beneficial to tell someone else.

· 3 min read
Remco Simonides

The average human attention span is getting shorter. In 2000 the average human had an attention span of around 12 seconds and in 2015 this was 8.25 seconds. Hope is not lost because the ability to concentrate is one that can be practices and improved.

· 3 min read
Remco Simonides

If we have particular goals that are important to us, we have to be careful to not get distracted by other goals. We shouldn't get distracted by other goals. Therefore we need to set priorities so we can work on the goals that are important to us, and not get distracted by the ones that aren't.

· 4 min read
Remco Simonides

Andrew Huberman is a professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at the Stanford School of Medicine and he also has an interesting podcast show called the Huberman Lab podcast. In his episode "The Science of Setting & Achieving Goals" he describes setting goals, assessing progress and the execution towards this goal in the context of neuroscience. In this blog post I provide some key take aways from this episode. If this is interesting to you, I encourage you to listen to the whole episode.

· One min read
Remco Simonides

What is Daily Gratitude?

Daily Gratitude is the practice of taking a moment to think about what you are grateful for. With enough practice, this exercise will shift your mind to more positive thoughts rather than the negative thoughts. Also, it will shift your awareness to what you have rather than what you want.

· 2 min read
Remco Simonides

What is the Wheel of Life?

With the Wheel of Life you rate several areas in your life based on how you feel about them. It will visualize which area in your life is lacking and which is prospering. In order to create balance in your life, it is important that all areas are in balance. Once everything is in balance, the graph will look like a wheel.