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The importance of Prioritizing

· 3 min read
Remco Simonides

If we have particular goals that are important to us, we have to be careful to not get distracted by other goals. We shouldn't get distracted by other goals. Therefore we need to set priorities so we can work on the goals that are important to us, and not get distracted by the ones that aren't.

How to Set Priorities?

First make a list with twenty-five things you want to accomplish in the next few years.

Second is to order this list by importance. Move the goal that is most important to you at the top, the second-most important second, et cetera.

Third is to then create goals on Strive Journal for the first three goals on that list. All the others will move to your not-to-do list

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people say no to almost everything

Warren Buffet

Why only keep the first three? Some literature says you should focus on only 1 thing, some other 3 and again some other 5. So there is no straight answer for this and it is up to you to choose the amount best suited to you. Just try to be strict and realistic with yourself. I would advice to stick to a maximum of 3 goals.

Everything that didn't make the cut, should be on your not-to-do list. This list is just as important as your to-do list. As the name suggests, avoid spoending time on these goals for now. Once you have finished one of your most important goals, you can take one of your not-to-do list. As it might have been a while since you last created a list of all the things you want to do, you can re-do this prioritization as your priorities may have changed through time.

Easy decisions

A nice side effect from having your priorities straight, is that decisions are easier to make. Just think about what is higher on the priority list and say no to the one that is lower. Most of what we say and do is not essential. If you can eliminate it, you'll have more time and more tranquility. Ask yourself regularly whether what you're doing is necessary and whether it contributes to your happiness. If not, eliminate the task.

Would you like to learn more about prioritizing? Here are some interesting source.